Our pick of wine-themed Christmas gifts from $18 to $122 (JPY 1,800 to JPY 12,500)

1. A nice decanter
We like the Sagaform Carafe from Sweden.
Its silicone stand allows the hand-blown decanter to tip and spin on its base to slowly release the aroma of the wine.
and the price is very reasonnable!
From $17.95 on Amazon
2. For the knowledge-thirsty
The biggest wine book published this year must surely be "Wine Grapes" – the 600-page guide to 1,380 grape varieties by Jancis Robinson, Julia Harding and José Vouillamoz.
As Vinography's Alder Yarrow wrote: "Why would any wine lover want to know something about more than one thousand different grape varieties?
For the same reason a wine lover would want to taste them."
From $122 on Amazon
3-Game of codes
Everyone loves a game – don't they?
Okay, playing charades on Christmas Day with your grandmother is on a par with receiving a reindeer-decorated sweater, but the Vino Vault Wine Cryptex is designed to test wine lovers to the limit. A wine bottle is locked inside an encoded frame and the recipient must bust the five-letter code (set by the gift-giver) in order to access the contents. No fighting!
The Vino Vault can be used with most 750-ml wine bottles, though Champagne and tall riesling bottles sadly don't fit.
From $25 on Amazon
4-The Champagne & Sparkling Prestige Gift set
Champagne Pannier Selection Brut:
On Dec 11, 2009, Mr Obama went to Oslo to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
This Champagne was served to the 1400 VIP guests in attendance including Barack himself!
Together with a Blanquette de Limoux Cuvée Françoise: The first sparkling white wine produced in France!
40% OFF on the Gift cardboard for the first person who order!
$59 = 5,980yen! + Delivery charge
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