Some of the country's cheapest and
thus most beloved wines, including varietals (lol, "varietals") of
Franzia and Charles Shaw (the latter also known as Two- or Three-Buck
Chuck) have been found to contain, a new lab report says, as much as
five times the allowable concentration of arsenic. But does that really
Arsenic is one of those scary chemical words that bring to mind
thoroughly unscientific ideas. We all know that arsenic is toxic, thanks
Victorian stories about slipping some in a glass of wine.
So the news that some of the country’s most popular wines may have elevated levels of arsenic is scary, too! But arsenic poisoning is a little more complex than you might think.
In trying out its new wine-analyzing equipment, new laboratory
BeverageGrades found that in about 25 percent of more than 1,300 bottles
of wine tested, arsenic levels are higher than the EPA allows in
drinking water. In some, like Franzia and Charles Shaw, the levels were
several times higher.
Arsenic is a heavy metal, naturally occurring in soil and water,
though it’s also a byproduct of some manufacturing. Some plants, most
notably rice, are known to pull in arsenic along with water and other
nutrients, making the final edible product fairly high in arsenic.
Drinking water has varying levels of arsenic around the world, and most
countries have some kind of legal limit on how much arsenic is allowed;
in the United States, it’s 10 parts per billion, which is more than is
allowed in, say, Australia (and even, thanks to state laws, in New
Jersey), but significantly less than is allowed in other heavily
populated countries like China and India.
Arsenic isn’t a poison in the way we often think of it. Certainly it
can have short-term effects, which include mostly gastrointestinal
problems like vomiting and nausea, but the more insidious danger is in
long-term, chronic arsenic consumption. Over a long period of time, if
the water you drink has even slightly elevated levels of arsenic, you
can develop,
according to the EPA, “cancer of the bladder, lungs, skin, kidneys, nasal passages, liver and prostate.”
The FDA, which is in charge of monitoring beverages like wine to make
sure they’re safe, does not test for arsenic, which is why the wines
with elevated levels of arsenic are still found on store shelves. That
means that there’s no law being broken here; the EPA limit of 10 parts
per billion are for drinking water, not wine. And certainly the
winemakers will make the case (that’s a very good pun, go back and look
at it again) that people don’t, or shouldn’t, drink as much wine as
water, and thus the higher levels are unimportant in the grand scheme of
long-term arsenic levels in the body.
But that hasn’t stopped BeverageGrades from filing suit against the
winemakers, arguing for, if not a recall, at least some labeling that
informs the customer that the wine within has high levels of arsenic.
Who knows if the lawsuit will succeed, or even if it should —but having
more information certainly couldn’t hurt the consumer. Not as much as
arsenic poisoning, anyway.
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